this basement-finishing project has turned our house into a haven for tiny dust particles from all the sanding and puttsing thats been going on below ground level. its rather maddening when you lightly drag your finger across every surface in the house and see how sneaky the stuff can's everywhere. i hate to think what our lungs look like.
on a happier note, the day is drawing closer when darling husband will be going to Cambridge, MA to continue his studies at Harvard Business School. The quicker he leaves, the sooner he will be back. (is this how one remains optimistic?.. i have no idea anymore). I also have no idea where i'll be spending the 3 weeks while he's away. I would love to just stay home and clean (is that pathetic?) but due to my fear of being kidnapped, broken into, or pank called at 3am with with heavy breathing on the other end of the line, i cannot and will not stay home alone. wimp.
2 paragraphs and im already itching, pun intended, to get off the computer and start dusting, sweeping, mopping, and perhaps force feed the wee one who oh-so-adorably refuses to eat.
how awesome that our babies share a birthday! i love that you follow my blog..i will now be following yours too!